Have you ever come to a point in your life and thought, “My prayers didn’t come true.  The worst has happened.  How can I continue to have faith in Jesus now that I’ve been so let down?”  If you have had this feeling, you are not alone.  And if you haven’t, you have likely seen this struggle occur in someone else.  Has a family member ever experienced a tragedy so great that it rocked the very foundation of his or her faith? How about a friend, neighbor, or colleague? The answer, sadly, is probably yes.  This is our reality, living our lives in a broken world.

But the Bible gives us an inspiring example of what to do in the face of such tragedy in Mark Chapter 5: 21-24a, 35-43.  Here, we see an account of parents who experience their worst fear come to pass, and yet do not lose their faith.  At every turn during their time of struggle, they go against cultural norms and hold on tight to their belief in Jesus Christ.

The parents we are speaking of here are Jairus and his wife.  Jairus was a synagogue leader, and he and his wife had only one daughter in a time when most parents had many children.  Their love for her was great, but when we see Jairus approaching Jesus, this 12 year old daughter of theirs is dying.  Jairus fell at Jesus’ feet and “pleaded earnestly with him, ‘My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.’” (Mark 5:23).  Jesus agreed to go to the house, but on the way there, they receive news that the girl had died.

In the immediate aftermath of this news, Jairus is told to abandon Jesus by those around him.  They tell him that Jesus is of no use now that his daughter has passed.  Surely there is no reason to continue to walk with him.  But Jesus tells Jairus to “…just believe” (Mark 5:35), and so he does exactly that.  In spite of the tragic news, Jairus welcomes Jesus into his home and into his family. Jairus takes Jesus up to see his dead daughter.  And when Jesus gets there, “He took her by the hand and said to her, ‘Talitha koum!’ (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”).” (Mark 5:41).  She then got up and began to walk around.

This little girl, the only daughter of Jairus and his wife, lived!  She is proof that Jesus can and does perform miracles!  But let us not forget Jairus’ faith prior to this miracle.  Jairus continued to believe in Jesus despite death.  He loved Jesus, and he didn’t give up his faith too early.  Because of this, Jairus received something that he could not have imagined: a resurrection from the dead!

So when we’re in need, when tragedy strikes, when we’re out of answers and options, it’s time to follow in Jairus’ footsteps. We need to pray and believe.  This will not protect us from tragedy.  In fact, devotion to God will not protect us from loss. Healings and miracles happen but they are not guaranteed. Instead, we put our faith, our belief, our trust in this very thing- all who take Jesus by the hand in this life will be taken by the hand by Him in this life and the next!

Practical Tips

Remember that difficult times are a result of living in a broken world.  God is not punishing you and he is not forsaking you. He hears all of your prayers and cares for you deeply.

Faith in God does not lead to living an easy life, but it leads to living a life with a sense of peace and purpose.

Our earthly love for Jesus, even in hard times, leads to life forever with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven!

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